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Imagine having a rock star on your team… not in that leather-wearing, guitar strumming way; more like a rock star who helps your organisation crush it in the Eastern African region, kind of way…

If you are thinking of developing your business in East Africa we can help.

  • Go-to-Market Strategy 

  • Local Partner Recruitment

  • Business Environment Evaluation

  • Risk Mitigation Strategies

  • Sustainability & Social Impact

We provide strategic and operational support through in-depth analysis and recommendations, develop detailed growth plans and provide an executable road map for implementation.


We pride ourselves in telling it like it is, no fluff, no verbiage.

Just actionable advice backed by facts.

We are ready to walk the talk with you, helping you turn your strategy into reality in the following areas:

  • Information Technology.

  • Healthcare Technology.

  • Commercialisation Strategy.

We partner with you as you go through the motions of research,  strategy, executing, commercialising your offering, monitoring the results, scaling and everything in between.

Our deep experience in the region ensures you receive the most relevant advice to help develop frameworks that ultimately breed success.



Based in Nairobi but with reach across East Africa, we are the ideal partner to help you get a foot into the market.

We have worked with the  following organisations delivering strategic input to their operations in the region:

Mawingu Networks

Elephant Healthcare

Safe Hands Kenya



OpenBusiness Africa



Services delivered to these companies varied from growth and market entry strategy, go-to-market review and advisory to operationalisation of project execution teams to deliver effective shareholder returns.



You know how there are all these great, fantastic, amazing companies with all these exceptional innovations that seem quite promising but somehow things never quite take off when they venture into new markets? The world is full of these stories, and Africa is no exception. The thing is, every market is different and requires a different approach; what may have worked in Europe or North America may not necessarily work in Africa.


Several factors must come together to ensure the success of a company in this neck of the woods and we’ve got the blueprint!


We partner with you as you go through the necessary motions of undertaking research, coming up with a viable strategy, executing it, commercialising your offering, monitoring the results, scaling and everything in between. Having worked with more than a few global companies looking to break into the Eastern Africa market, we saw a unique opportunity to offer our expertise.

Founded in 2018 as Leapfrog Advisory, we are a boutique Information Technology Route-to-Market advisory firm specialising in the Eastern African Market. We help global firms invest and grow within Africa with confidence by providing tangible advice on market entry strategies, participating at all levels in the development of execution plans and helping organisations uncover customer value and shareholder returns.

If your company has been struggling to get to the next level or keeps hitting roadblocks that are affecting your bottom line, we have solutions to get you out of that predicament and hitting your goals, monetary or otherwise



Unit 2, The Estates, Nandi Road, Nairobi

Tel: +254 115 42.00.99


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© 2020 Leapfrog Advisory.

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